There are many young boys and girls who come with questions as to whether they would marry a girl or the boy whom they love. In some cases, they succeed and enjoy a lovable life, but in many cases, marriage is not consummated. Whether a love marriage with a particular person is destined or not can be very well calculated by applying the horary method of Krishnamurti Paddhati. In the horary method of K.P., the querist is asked to mention a number from 1 to 249 in the context of his/her questions and according to the number Ascendant (Lagna) and cusps of the other houses are ascertained. Love affairs and thereby marriage with a person of choice are indicated if the sub lord of the 5th house cusp is also significator of 7th house of and 11th house then materialization of love affairs into marriage 5th cusp happens to be in a constellation. The house of which is the significator of the houses 6 or 12, then it will never materialize. If it is in the constellation of the significator of 6, the other party falls out. But if the sub-lord of the 5th. The 12th houses, then the consultant himself/herself will drop the idea. One such case is given below – Date of judgement: 23/06/2015 Time of judgement: 18:22:04 Hrs Place of judgement: Gwalior, M.P. The girl under great emotional state, with tears in her eyes, but the query on 24/05/2015 as to whether her marriage would take place with the boys she loves so deeply for the lost 8 years. I could not work out the calculations until 23/06/2015 at 06:22:04 PM. Here it is observed that the Sub Lord of the 5th cusp is Rahu, which is deposited in the star Moon and the star lord Moon is itself deposited in the 6th house. So, the boy with whom she loves will back out. Marriage will not take place. The girl and her parents tried their level best to have marriage settled with this, but ultimately he backed out and refused marriage with this girl as was predicated.
एक परिचय ..... ज्योतिष में कई विधाएं प्रचलित है , सभी अपने आप मे अद्वितीय है । ज्योतिष को हम विज्ञान कहते है और विज्ञान में सदैव शोध कार्य चलते रहते है , हम सभी ने कक्षा 10 वीं में पढ़ा है कि धरती और ब्रह्मां...
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