“SRI MUTYA BALA MURALI KRISHNA” is the distinguished and highly well-versed Hindu Vedic Astrologer and Vaastu Pandit. He is the Pandit of the third generation in his family of Vedic Astrologer and Vaastu pandits . He was born on 4th July,1972. He started learning Vedic Astrology and Vaastu from his father while studying Graduation in 1992. He learnt both the disciplines of their true spirit in depth and became an adept in Astrology and Vaastu by 1995. He started his practice as an Astrologer and Vaastu pandit in 1995 and rendering services to his clients from India and abroad .In 1998 he started writing Articles on Vedic Astrology to the Telugu monthly Magazine“ JYOTISHA DARSHANI “ and used to write political predictions to the Telugu newspaper. He acquired lots of experience in the Astrological analysis , predictions , Prashna Sastra and Vaastu during his 27 years of experience in his practice as an Astrologer and Vaastu Pandit. He is keen in finding astrological defects and problems relating to marriage ,government job, children,business,health,wealth, court cases and any problems relating to place in one’s horoscope and has been suggesting accurate remedies for solving such problems and even by performing Japas , Homas and recommending Gem stones . All his clients are happy with the service of the Astrologer and Vaastu Pandit. Rate of positive results in his predictions is 100%. The rate of finding the defects in the Horoscope is about 100%. The rate of giving accurate remedies to his clients is 100%. How to contact Astrologer Mutya bala muralikrishna ji? The well-versed Hindu Vedic Astrologer Mutya bala murali krishna , who is highly experienced and learned personality, can be contacted by various online and offline means . They include WhatsApp , Facebook , Skype , E-mail etc.,