

Jyotishacharya Dr. SUVENDU KUMAR DAS
International Chief Consultant
Experience - 20 Years
Language - Hindi

Skills - Vedic Astrology KP Astrology

Expertise - Love Relationship Marriage Education Career Business Wealth Health

Moblie Number - Locked

About me

India’s Eminent Astrologer, Jyotishacharya Dr. SUVENDU KUMAR DAS, from Bhubaneswar, Odisha, has 20 years of experience in Vedic & KP Astrology. In spite of being a Science & Law Graduate and a successful Advocate, his inclination towards religious & spirituality, Astrology became his hobby & passion. Getting admiration from religious & spiritual gurus and fellow astrologers, he was inspired to become a Professional Astrologer. He is renowned for making 99% accurate predictions on life issues through Horoscope Reading. He has been felicitated and recognised for his contribution in the field of astrology by national &international level astrological organisations.

The notion that, an Astrologer can unfold life and reveal what waits at the next bend is a thought that comes to all. Populist claims have inspired him to become a Research Fellow in the field of Astrology, putting together the research and finding by various groups and the experiences which he gained during his noble journey. He also believes that, planetary influences at the time of birth also play a pivotal role in our life and the remedies do not bring about success directly but they just help to overcome the obstacles and difficult situations. His unique prediction & prescription for remedial measure in astrology in order to alleviate client’s issue, distinguishes him from others. He also provides a healthy approach to a new relationship by making the client be aware of their short comings and flaws in a relationship. Get all your issues related to Astrology through horoscope be resolved by Jyotishacharya Dr. SUVENDU KUMAR DAS.

Achievements:- · Pursued Astrology & Vastu: Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Vachaspati, Jyotish Hora Ratna from KPSARI, Chennai – (PGA) from Planetary Gemologists Association, Bangkok, Thailand – Vastu Acharya N Vastu Visharad from ICAS, Kolkata, Jyotish Acharya & Vastu Acharya from Shree Maharishi College of Vedic Astrology, Udaipur and many more. · Certified : Planetary Gems Advisor (PGA) From Planetary Gemologists Association, Bangkok, Thailand 10400, · Certified: International Certified Consultant (ICC-Astrology) From International Astrology Federation Inc – USA, · Felicitated: Honorary Doctorate in Astrology From Krishnamurthy Institute of Astrology (KIA), Kolkata & IVARC – KIAS, Odisha. · Life Member – PGA, KPSARI, ICAS, RJRAS, SAAF, WAF, IAF and many more Astrological Organisation. · Participated Felicitation & Award Ceremony - National & International level Astrological Seminars, Workshops, and Webinars since last 20 years.

Contact Us

IAF - International Astrology Federation Inc 30 N Gould St. Ste R Sheridan, Wyoming, pin-82801 - USA
30A,infopark Technology Business center, JNI Stadium,Kaloor,Cochin,Kerala-682017
+91 8129254598,+91 9947632000

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