

Rajesh Bahal JyotishShastracharya
Experience - 30 Years
Language - Hindi English Punjabi

Skills - Vedic Astrology Palmistry Lal Kitab

Expertise - Love Relationship Education Career Business Wealth Health

Moblie Number - Locked

About me

I am an Engineer and have retired from senior position from one of the Enterprise of Government of India. While working, I developed interest first in Palmistry and then in Astrology. To polish my knowledge, I joined an institute under the administrative control of one of the most eminent astrologer’s Mr. K.N. Rao. Further, I went on to obtain the certificates up to the level of JyotishShastracharya and in Lal Kitab. Over the years (decades), I am serving people, how to shape their present and future through inherent powers of affirmation and intuition. Having analyzed numerous charts (in thousands), I am guiding people to move in appropriate direction in life through Vedic Astrology. I am also a LifeTime Member of International Astrology Federation Inc. (IAF), USA. Rajesh Bahal JyotishShastracharya

Contact Us

IAF - International Astrology Federation Inc 30 N Gould St. Ste R Sheridan, Wyoming, pin-82801 - USA
30A,infopark Technology Business center, JNI Stadium,Kaloor,Cochin,Kerala-682017
+91 8129254598,+91 9947632000

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